goHappy Webinars

Appreciating the Frontline

Written by Shawn Boyer | Mar 10, 2021 12:55:28 PM

What do your frontline leaders wake up thinking about?  Out of their top 5 for the day, would frontline employee appreciation pop to mind? Do those leaders have specific strategies on how to most effectively appreciate? 

On March 23rd 2021 at 2pm EST  we tackled the subject of “How the Best Frontline Leaders Appreciate Their Team” in a quick hitting webinar, with Chester Elton, New York Times Bestselling Author and Speaker on the subjects of employee engagement, appreciation and motivation, and Mark Simpson, Vice President of Legendary People at Texas Roadhouse. 

Chester and Mark shared why it is so important that frontline leaders are masters at appreciating their team members, how you can measure frontline feedback on the subject, how it drives ROI metrics like decreased turnover, suggested best practices and resources, and of course, their own personal experiences.